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Enrollment is open!

For preschool ages 4 and 5, four days is $425 a month. Three days is $360 a month for 3 (potty trained), 4, and 5 year olds. All programs run from 9am to 2pm. For questions about preschool, call Alison Smiley at (423)315-1552 or email at rivermontpreschool@gmail.com.

Parent’s Day Out (PDO) is for 10 month to 3 year olds, which is Monday/Wednesday for $275 per month or Tuesday/Thursday for $295 per month. For questions about PDO, call Elizabeth Pittman at 770-310-2801 or email at epittman.rpcelc@gmail.com.

Our non-refundable registration fee is $100. Thank you!!


play. explore. learn.


Rivermont Presbyterian Early Learning Center offers a safe, loving, Christian environment where each child is encouraged to grow creatively, academically, and relationally as they are treated with individual care and encouraged to flourish as a member in their special surrounding.


Why Choose ELC?

The Rivermont Early Learning Center (ELC) is a ministry of Rivermont Presbyterian Church that serves children and their families of the church and the community. We are under the guidance of the Christian Education Committee and the ELC Advisory Committee.

We believe in nurturing the complete well-being of the child. At ELC, we do more than just supervise and protect the children in our care. We work to educate, enhance, and support their physical, emotional and spiritual health while preparing them for a successful future. The role of teacher and caregiver is not one that we take lightly as we understand that a child who excels at their activities in preschool is far better prepared to continue those levels of positive achievement upon entering Kindergarten. It's the experience that a child gains from their time here that can be an invaluable framework for life-long learning.


Our Curriculum

Each of our classrooms have two well-qualified, caring teachers. Likewise, our class enrollment is kept small to ensure the highest quality program. Each class has age-appropriate curriculum that includes communication/listening, fine/gross motor, self-help, and cognitive activities. Children have gymnasium or playground play, art, and pretend play each day. Similarly, children are also given many opportunities for socialization with peers and interaction with adults. Our curriculum offers a special music class, Spanish and Chapel each week and enriching activities such as visits from firefighters, the Nature Center, and the Tennessee Aquarium. Our children also participate in many activities in which they contribute to our community and to others less fortunate.


The Importance of Play

It's critical that we give children the foundation to become good learners but we must never lose sight of the fact that they are still children. Their instinct is to play and through play, they also learn. The two go hand-in-and with one another which is why we provide our children with two outdoor playgrounds and one indoor gym where they have the freedom to play by themselves or with their peers in a group setting. There are multiple sessions for playtime afforded to the children each day.



Our Programs

Rivermont ELC features two programs to meet the needs of several developmental and age levels of children. The Pre-K programs are designed for three-,four-, and five-year-old children (children are required to be potty trained). The Pre-K programs are licensed by the state and exceed state requirements. Parent’s Day Out (PDO) has programs for one-, two-, and three-year-olds. Programs run from late August to mid-May and offer Monday through Thursday classes from 9am to 2pm. Our Learning Center follows the schedule of the Hamilton County School System, including their vacation schedule for fall break, Christmas holiday, and spring break. The ELC calendar will be sent to you with the final registration forms. There is a summer program offered as well.


“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14




Get Connected

There are multiple ways to be connected to the ELC family. We encourage you to join our Facebook page and mass text to be up to date with all pictures and important information. Please check our website regularly.


Make a Donation

We are always in need of supplies. Please feel free to donate to our school! Thank you!