Enrollment is open!
For preschool ages 4 and 5, four days is $425 a month. Three days is $360 a month for 3 (potty trained), 4, and 5 year olds. All programs run from 9am to 2pm. For questions about preschool, call Alison Smiley at (423)315-1552 or email at rivermontpreschool@gmail.com.
Parent’s Day Out (PDO) is for 10 month to 3 year olds, which is Monday/Wednesday for $275 per month or Tuesday/Thursday for $295 per month. For questions about PDO, call Elizabeth Pittman at 770-310-2801 or email at epittman.rpcelc@gmail.com.
Our non-refundable registration fee is $100. Thank you!!
play. explore. learn.
Rivermont Presbyterian Early Learning Center offers a safe, loving, Christian environment where each child is encouraged to grow creatively, academically, and relationally as they are treated with individual care and encouraged to flourish as a member in their special surrounding.